fabric 68 new CD by Petre Inspirescu

For Petre Inspirescu music has always been an adventure. Growing up after the Romanian revolution in a world bereft not just of the internet, but information in general, the man born Radu Dumitru Bodiu had to search harder and longer than most to find the music that excited him. To see it live meant exciting trips to the capital, something later mirrored during his burgeoning DJ […]

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L’Italia entra a far parte dell’esclusiva guida alla nightlife mondiale “Société Perrier”

Dopo New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Tokyo e tante altri grandi Paesi di tutto il Globo, Société Perrier (http://societeperrier.com/), la guida online più famosa ed esclusiva al mondo sceglie Milano come unica rappresentante italiana all’interno del portale internazionale made in Perrier Dalla moda alla musica, passando per i locali più chic, le serate più raffinate e gli hotel più esclusivi: l’Italia entra nel circuito mondiale della […]

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