Tag: download

Ti piace la musica? Con LINN avrai GRATIS un brano al giorno fino a Natale!

Get in the festive spirit with a free Studio Master download every day until Christmas. With a month of magical recordings by a host of great musicians, you can relax from the bustle of Christmas and enjoy a musical gift from Linn. Get your FREE Studio Master download! There’s something for everyone to enjoy – from the lively lilts of the Scottish Chamber Orchestra and a […]

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CES launch of Plessey imPart Contactless Gesture Recognition technology

Plessey announced that they will be demonstrating their new, low cost, Contactless Gesture Recognition technology called imPart at CES 2013. The imPart technology is designed to fit around computer monitors, portable laptop computers, ultra books and tablets and provides the user with the ability to activate and use devices, without having to touch them, via gestures such as swipe, flick, up and down. A simple ‘left-click‘ […]

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ADSL Overboost by Active Network: scaricare non è mai stato così veloce

Il servizio, rivolto ai power user, garantisce una velocità di download fino a 10 Mega per sfogare la propria voglia di navigare senza limiti. Novità dall’universo TLC. Active Network propone ADSL Overboost, il nuovo servizio pensato per i downloader più instancabili. Scaricare contenuti diventa facile e veloce grazie alla connessione che permette nelle ore notturne di ottenere il massimo dalla rete. Perché navigare di giorno va […]

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